
Frequently Asked Questions


What is Conquer Chess?

Conquer Chess is a real-time strategy game that is a mix between chess and some classic real-time strategy games.

Why the name ‘Conquer Chess: Battle for Liberty’?

The name ‘Conquer Chess: Battle for Liberty’ is a mix of classic real-time strategy games:

Mix those names and you’ll get ‘Conquer Chess: Battle for Liberty’.

How did you get the idea for Conquer Chess?

As a Dutch Starcraft II fan, I regularily watch videos from Simon ‘Lowko’ Heijnen (e.g. at Lowko). He sometimes calls Starcraft II ‘high-speed chess’. Because I incompletely agree with him, I pondered on what high-speed chess would look like. Conquer Chess is the result of those thoughts.

Game rules

What are the rules of Conquer Chess compared to chess?

Conquer Chess follows the rules of chess in such a way that regular games can be played with it.

All pieces move and attack in the same way as regular chess and a regular game can

However, due to the real-time nature of Conquer Chess, these are the differences:

:construction: the exact rules are still under construction :construction:

Where did you get you example games from?

From There I took the earliest games played in january 2013 from (the now expired link)

Game settings

What is the game speed?

Under normal game speed, a piece moves one square (Euclidean distance) per second.


Each player can control the game with a keyboard or a mouse, with a maximum of 1 mouse user.

Keyboard controls

The keyboard has 4 action keys.

The first action key has a default action, which is the one expected. If there are multiple actions, using another action key triggers the other actions.

When Action key 1 Action key 2 Action key 3 Action key 4
Nothing selected . . . .
Nothing selected, cursor at square with own piece Select . . .
Piece selected, cursor at the selected piece Unselect . . .
Piece selected, cursor at valid target square Move . . .
Piece selected, cursor at valid target opponent Attack . . .
King selected, cursor at valid castling square Castle . . .
Pawn in promotion selected Promote to queen Promote to rook Promote to bishop Promote to knight

Mouse controls

The mouse has a default action, triggered by the Left Mouse Button (‘LMB’). If there are multiple actions, clicking Right Mouse Button (‘RMB’) changes to another action.

When LMB default Other options, if any
Nothing selected . .
Nothing selected, cursor at square with own piece Select .
Piece selected, cursor at the selected piece Unselect .
Piece selected, cursor at valid target square Move .
Piece selected, cursor at valid target opponent Attack .
King selected, cursor at valid castling square Castle .
Pawn in promotion selected Promote to queen Promote to rook, promote to bishop, promote to knight


How is the user input handled?

See architecture