How to pronounce my name¶
Language | Pronunciation |
Dutch | 'Rie-sjel' |
English | 'Rea-shell' |
French | 'Richèl' |
German | 'Ri-shäll' |
Swedish | 'Ri-kjell' |
- 2007-2008 MSc: Teaching in Pre-higher education in Biology
- Oct 2008-Aug 2010: 0.6 FTE teacher and team leader, 12-18 yo
- Jan 2014-Jan 2021: coordinator of multiple courses, as volunteer, 8-18 yo
- Sep 2019-Mar 2024: team leader of programming team, 13-38 yo
- Sep 2022-now: coordinator of multiple courses, as volunteer, 8-18 yo
- Mar 2023-now: teacher at UPPMAX, 18-88 yo
Teaching style¶
- Literate
- Evidence-based,
[Bell, 2020][Hattie, 2012][Hattie, 2023][Schwartz, 2012]
- Active learning
- Learning community
- Well-prepared
- Student-centered
- Transparent
flowchart TD
prior_knowledge[Prior knowledge]
prior_knowledge --> present
present --> challenge
challenge --> feedback
feedback --> repeat
repeat --> prior_knowledge
Evidence-based teaching cycle, from
[Bell, 2020]
- Every learner needs to be active
- Follows the pace of learners that need more time
- Fast learners learn by helping
- Asks learners randomly, as he should
[Bell, 2020]
- Some really like it
- Some really don't
- Some really like it
- Dare to try out new things (and fail in plain sight)
[Bell, 2020]
I only do this for unimportant topics,
as lecturing hinders learning [2]
Hence, this was the only lecture in the course :-)
(I do need to tell about myself [Schwartz, 2012]
See[Hattie, 2023]
, page 363, effect size is -0.26 with a robustness index of 4 out of 5 and is based on 3 meta analyses using 273 studies using 27,296 people, measuring for 614 effects with a standard error of 0.08. One example open access study is[Knight & Wood, 2005]
Programming Formalisms 2024 autumn evaluation[4]
R-Python-Julia-MATLAB course, Python day[Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001]
Anderson, Lorin W., and David R. Krathwohl. A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives: complete edition. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2001.[Bell, 2020]
Bell, Mike. The fundamentals of teaching: A five-step model to put the research evidence into practice. Routledge, 2020.[Knight & Wood, 2005]
Knight, Jennifer K., and William B. Wood. "Teaching more by lecturing less." Cell biology education 4.4 (2005): 298-310. paper[Hattie, 2012]
Hattie, John. Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. Routledge, 2012.[Hattie, 2023]
Hattie, John. Visible learning: The sequel: A synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge, 2023.[Hattie & Clarke, 2018]
Hattie, John, and Shirley Clarke. Visible learning: feedback. Routledge, 2018.[Schwartz, 2012]
Schwartz, Beth M., and Regan AR Gurung. Evidence-based teaching for higher education. American Psychological Association, 2012.
My favorite literature¶
[Bell, 2020]
Bell, Mike. The fundamentals of teaching: A five-step model to put the research evidence into practice. Routledge, 2020.[Hattie, 2012]
Hattie, John. Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. Routledge, 2012.[Hattie, 2023]
Hattie, John. Visible learning: The sequel: A synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge, 2023.