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Filtering on values

Learning objectives

  • filter based on column values
For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners can filter based on column values

Lesson plan:

  • 5 mins: prior knowledge
  • 5 mins: presentation
  • 15 mins: challenge
  • 5 mins: feedback


AWK is great for selecting elements of tabular data.

In this session, we use AWK to select elements in tabular data. Selecting elements, in this case, is also called 'filtering'.


See the exercise procedure here.

Exercise 1: confirming things are true

Learning objectives

  • experience the ways to filter on column values of awk

Download the data

In a terminal, do:


to download a file called coins.txt.

match on equality

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk '$1 == "gold" { print }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'For every line where the first column matches gold, show the whole line'.

Confirm that this is true.

use less-then operator

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk '$2 < 1.0 { print }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'For every line where the second column is less than one, show the whole line'

Confirm that this is true.

show the first line

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk 'NR == 1 { print }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'If the line number is one, print the line'

Confirm that this is true.

skip a first line

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk 'NR > 1 { print }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'If the line number is bigger than one, print the line'

Confirm that this is true.

use && operator

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk '$1 == "gold" && $2 < 1.0 { print }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'For every line where the first column matches gold and the value in the second column is less than 1.0, show the whole line'

Confirm that this is true.

use || operator

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk '$1 == "gold" || $2 < 1.0 { print }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'For every line where the first column matches gold or the value in the second column is less than 1.0, show the whole line'

Confirm that this is true.

multiple conditions

In a terminal, in the same folder as where the data is downloaded, do:

awk '$1 == "gold" { print "Gold:", $0 } $2 < 1.0  { print "Light:" $0 }' coins.txt

In English, this is: 'For every line where the first column matches gold, print 'Gold:' and the line. For every line where the second column is less than 1.0, print 'Light:' and the line.

Confirm that this is true.

Exercise 2: printing

Download the data

In a terminal, do:


to download a file called diamonds_no_header.tsv.

This file is a tab-separated file about diamonds and is part of the ggplot2 R package.

The dataset has the following columns:

index name description
1 carat weight of the diamond (0.2--5.01)
2 cut quality of the cut (Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal)
3 color diamond colour, from D (best) to J (worst)
4 clarity a measurement of how clear the diamond is (I1 (worst), SI2, SI1, VS2, VS1, VVS2, VVS1, IF (best))
5 depth total depth percentage = z / mean(x, y) = 2 * z / (x + y) (43--79)
6 table width of top of diamond relative to widest point (43--95)
7 price price in US dollars (\(326--\)18,823)
8 x length in mm (0--10.74)
9 y width in mm (0--58.9)
10 z depth in mm (0--31.8)

Explore the data

Using awk only:

  • show the cut of the diamonds that have a price above $18000 USD
  • show the price of the diamonds that have a fair cut and the worst color
  • show the line number of the diamonds that have a price below $400 USD

Exercise 3: printing a complete dataset

Download the data

In a terminal, do:


to download a file called diamonds.tsv.

It is the same dataset as used earlier. However, it has a first line, which is called a header, which describes the data.

Explore the data

Using awk only:

  • show the number of lines, in any clumsy way
  • show the number of columns, in any clumsy way
  • show only the first line
  • show only the first ten lines
  • show the prices of all diamonds, while skipping the header
  • show the cut of the diamonds that have a price above $18000 USD, while skipping the header
  • show the price of the diamonds that have a fair cut and the worst color, while skipping the header
  • show the line number of the diamonds that have a price below $400 USD, while skipping the header


  • although this dataset has a header, in not all exercises NR > 1 was needed. When can NR > 1 be omitted safely?