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AWK course

This module introduces the fundamentals of the AWK language.


Time Topic
09:15-10:00 print, filtering on values
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:00 BEGIN and END, variables
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:00 working with comma-separated values, Associative arrays

The times in this schedules are only guidelines. The pace of the learners determines the speed of going through the course material.


flowchart TD

  filtering_on_values[Filtering on values]
  begin_and_end[BEGIN and END]
  associative_arrays[Associative arrays]
  filtering_on_regex[Filtering on regular expressions]
  comma_as_separator[Comma as a separator]

  %% Facets of AWK
  filtering_on_values --> |needs| print
  comma_as_separator --> |needs| print
  begin_and_end --> |needs| filtering_on_values
  variables --> |needs| begin_and_end
  associative_arrays --> |needs| variables
  filtering_on_regex --> |needs| filtering_on_values
Description Syntax
Do an action { [action] }
Filtering [condition] { [action] }
Multiple filters [condition_1] { [action_1] } [condition_2] { [action_2] }
Actions at begin and end BEGIN { [action]} [condition] { [action] } END { [action]}

Overview of the Awk syntax built-up